The Community Solar Accelerator programme is an ERDF-funded grant scheme that offers grants for solar PV and electrical vehicle (EV) charging points in the Manor Royal and Coast to Capital area. The project is delivered by Brighton Energy Co-op and is aimed at SMEs with a roof space of at least 180 m2 to save CO2 and on their electricity bills.
The next funding round is started in July 2022, and businesses can register their interest through the Brighton Energy Co-op website at
Recent successes
The first applicants have now completed their solar PV projects and received £25,000 each through our ERDF-funded Community Solar Accelerator Grant.
The first solar array installation was a 63kW array which will save the business £10,344 every year in electricity costs and achieve an annual carbon reduction of around 14tCo2e. The return on investment is only 3-4 years, what a result! Read their story here
Grants still available
The good news is that it’s not too late to express your interest in our CSA Grants via our website. The new funding round is now open for new applications with up to £25,000 Solar Grants available to businesses.
Funding is available for Solar PV installations or Solar PV in combination with electric vehicle charging points - but only for a limited time. Businesses can make the most of the grant before it runs out in Spring 2023!
Contact the team today on OR register via the website here
If you would like to find out if your organisations is eligible, please complete the Expression of Interest at this link.
Community Solar Accelerator is funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014 – 2020.
Date Published: 22/07/2022