Crawley Borough Council has taken formal possession of the Crawley Innovation Centre following completion of the building conversion works.
The Crawley Innovation Centre, located in the heart of the Manor Royal Business District, is aimed at helping create more than 200 new jobs and benefit directly up to 40 businesses. It will bring a further much-needed economic, innovation and technological boost to the town, drawing on Crawley’s long-standing reputation in advanced manufacturing and engineering.
The Innovation Centre building, which will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, benefits from greener and cleaner energy and heating systems alongside high sustainability and energy efficiency standards. This includes solar panels on the roof, air sourced heat pumps for heating and cooling, and electric vehicle charging points in the car park.
The centre will be a major asset to support Crawley’s existing advanced engineering businesses and to enable growth in new and emerging business sectors such as clean energy and quantum technologies. It will provide vital “grow-on” space which will enable hi-tech small businesses to “scale up”, prototype and demonstrate new technologies in clean energy, quantum tech and transportation tech. In the longer term, the aim is to help attract significant new manufacturing business investment into Crawley, including at new industrial space in Manor Royal.
The centre will actively engage with Crawley College and the Universities of Brighton, Chichester and Sussex on opportunities for small businesses to access tech apprenticeships and skills alongside co-operation on, research, tech innovation and development. The centre will accommodate hi-tech academic “spin out” micro-enterprises from the universities, providing larger innovation spaces for budding academic entrepreneurs to develop their tech products.
Councillor Michael Jones, Leader, Crawley Borough Council, said:
"We’re delighted that the Crawley Innovation Centre building conversion works are complete, and we look forward to welcoming our first tenants very soon. It was very satisfying to get the keys to the door yesterday, so the process of seeing everything fully functional and operational moves ever closer."
Councillor Atif Nawaz, Cabinet member for Planning and Economic Development, Crawley Borough Council, said:
"The centre offers great flexibility for businesses specialising in hi-tech to rent office space ranging from a desk to a small office suite to workshop/laboratory space on very flexible terms at short notice. It will be a hub for hi-tech small business tenants to nurture product development and to work together with larger organisations on new tech ideas. In so doing, the centre will foster an environment for hi-tech small business growth and job creation."
Date Published: 06/02/2025